Insert Node adds data to a linked list. We need only its logical predecessor to insert a node into the list. Given the predecessor, there are three steps to the insertion :
1. Allocate memory for the new node and insert data.
2. Point the new node to its successor.
3. Point the new node’s predecessor to the new node.
These steps appear to be simple, but a little analysis is needed to fully understand how to implement them. To insert a node into a list we need to know the location of the node that precedes the new node. This node is identified by a pointer that can be in one of two states : it can contain the address of a node or it can be null. When the predecessor is null, it means that there is no predecessor to the data being added. The logical conclusion is that we are either adding to an empty list or are at the beginning of the list. If the predecessor is no null, then we are adding somewhere after the first node – that is, in the middle of the list or at the end of the list. Let’s discuss each of these situations in turn.
Operation 2a ¾ Insert into Empty List :
Operation 2b ¾ Insert at Beginning :
We add at the beginning of the list anytime we need to insert a node before the first node of the list. We determine that we are adding at the beginning of the list by testing the predecessor pointer. If it is a null pointer, then there is no predecessor so we are at the beginning of the list.
If you compare these two statements with the statements to insert into an empty list, you will see that they are the same. They are the same because, logically, inserting into an empty list is the same as inserting at the beginning of a list.
Operation 2c ¾ Insert in Middle :
When we add a node anywhere in the middle of the list, the predecessor contains an address. This case is shown in Figure 13.
Operation 2d ¾ Insert at End :
When we are adding at the end of the list, we only need to point the predecessor to the new node. There is no successor to point to. It is necessary, however, to set the new node’s link field to a null pointer. The statements to insert a node at the end of a list are shown below in the inset of figure 14.
General Insert Node Algorithm :
Now let’s write the algorithm that puts it all together and inserts a node into the list. We are given the head pointer, the predecessor, and the data to be inserted. We allocate memory for the new node and adjust the link pointers appropriately. When the algorithm is complete, it returns a Boolean – true if it was successful and false if there was no memory for the insert. The pseudocode is found in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm – 2 Insert linked list node
algorithm insertNode (ref list
val pPre
val dataIn
Inserts data into a new node in the linked list.
Pre list is metadata structure to a valid list
pPre is pointer to data’s logical predecessor
dataIn contains data to be inserted
Post data have been inserted in sequence
Return true if successful, false if memory overflow
1 allocate (pNew)
2 if (memory overflow)
1 return false
3 end if
4 pNew->data = dataIn
5 if (pPre null)
Adding before first node or to empty list.
1 pNew->link = list. head
2 list. head = pNew
6 else
Adding in middle or at end.
1 pNew->link = pPre->link
2 pPre->link = pNew
7 end if
8 list.count = list.count + 1
9 return true
10 end insertNode
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